Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Small Animal Diseases Essay Example For Students

Small Animal Diseases Essay Louise Pasteur, a Frenchman who was neither a physician nor a veterinarian moved into the spotlight to help find a vaccine for Rabies. He began the study of Rabies when two rabid dogs were brought into his laboratory. One of the dogs suffered from the dumb form of the disease: his lower jaw hung down, he foamed at the mouth, and his eyes had a rather vacant look. The other dog was furious: he snapped, bit any object held out to him, and let out frightening howls (McCoy 65). Through the studies already observed, rabies was transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal, and that the incubation period varied from a few days to several months. Beyond this, nothing definite was known. Then M. Bouley, a professor of veterinary science, noted a germ or organism in the saliva of a rabid dog. Pasteur confirmed Bouleys findings by collecting some mucus from a child bitten by a rapid dog, and injecting it into rabbits. The results of this experiment ended with all the rabbits dying within 36 hours. This experiment established two facts: an organism was present in the saliva of rabid animals, and it could be transmitted to another animal or a human being through a bite (McCoy 66). Further research led Pasteur to the conclusion that the rabies organism was located in other parts of the infected animals body besides its saliva. Experiments on the skulls of rabid dogs shoed that the brain contained the rabies virus. Pasture then cultured some viruses from several rabid dogs brains. The virus was then injected into rabbits. In every case the rabies would appear within 14 days (McCoy 67). After several experiments, Pasteur went on to perfect a rabies vaccine. He first demonstrated to physicians and veterinarians that the rabies could be cultured from the brains of living dogs. Pasteur successfully proved that his antirabies vaccine could now be safely administered and animals could be vaccinated against the disease. Once the vaccine was perfected, Pasteur turned the task of finding a vaccine for human patients. After considerable research and patients, Pasteur eventually developed a human vaccine against rabies. The vaccine would be given through a system of inculcations and would prevent the disease in a patient recently bitten by a rapid dog (McCoy 67). This system became known as the Pasteur Treatment for rabies. Although there is still no cure for this disease in animals or humans, the disease can be prevented if the vaccines are given early enough. The most recent update for rabies, is how the vaccination is administered. The vaccine now only has to be given every three years to animals who had already been vaccinated once when they were puppies or kittens. Coccidiosis is an infection of microscopic parasites called coccidia that invade the intestines of dogs and cats. The most common type of coccidia in dogs is Isospora canis, while cats are most frequently affected by Isospora felis (Vet Centric 1). Coccidiosis rarely affects a healthy dog or cat, but it can lead to gastrointestinal problems and death in sick adult animals. Puppies and kittens also are at risk for serious infection. Animals that are affected by a coccidia may experience problems such as watery diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, dehydration, anorexia, decreased or absent appetite, abdominal pain, anemia, mental depression, and in severe cases death. To diagnose coccidiosis, a fecal flotation examination identical to the roundworm fecal exam is performed. Coccidia may be difficult to detect because these parasites are much smaller than the roundworm eggs and from all other eggs passed from worms (Vet Centric 1). Transmission of coccidia begins when coccidia, are passed in the feces from an infected dog or cat into another animals environment, where they can develop and be consumed by another animal. Transmission also can occur when a dog or cat eats a rodent that has been infected with the parasite. The prognosis for an animal that has a healthy immune system is good. For puppies, kittens, and older animals that have a weak immune system, the prognosis is poor without treatment and death may occur. With treatment, however, the prognosis is good. The key to prevention is proper sanitation and an environment free of feces. Once the parasites pass in the feces, they quickly develop into the infective stage. Mature parasites are very dangerous because they are resistant to most cleaning products and they can survive for months to years. The use of ammonia and steam cleaning also helps kill the infectious parasites. Dogs and cats should not be permitted to eat rodents because of the high probabil ity of them being carriers of the parasites. The treatment of infected canine and feline mothers soon after parturition may help prevent the spread of coccidia to the young (Vet Centric 1). Right now there are not any medicines that will kill coccidia. But there are medicines called Sulfa drugs, which can inhibit coccidial reproduction. Once the disease stops expanding, it is easier for the patients immune system to fight the disease away. This also means, that the time it takes to clear the infection depends on how many coccidia organisms there are to start with and how strong the patients immune system is. A typical treatment course lasts about a week or two but the medication should be given until the diarrhea stops plus an extra couple of days. Medication should be given for at least five days total (Vet Centric 2). Cats can be infected with feline corona virus, a contagious virus that runs the risk of developing feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). Kittens may be more susceptible to developing FIP because their immune systems are less developed, and there may be a genetic predisposition for purebred kittens to get the disease. FIP is a rare and deadly form of a corona virus. In most cases, the corona virus itself is not serious, but FIP is usually fatal. FIP causes the cats immune system to attack its own cells, damaging blood vessels throughout the body. Without adequate blood flow, many of the bodys organs can be severely damaged and go into some kind of failure. Once a cat shows signs of FIP they generally die from it quickly (Vet Centic 3). There are two forms of FIP; both of them are equally life threatening. The effusive, or wet, form occurs when fluid is produced in the body. Signs of effusive FIP are a swollen abdomen, fever, weight loss, and breathing difficulties. Clinical signs of th e effusive form of FIP can vary, but typically include, depression, anorexia, weight loss, fever, dyspnea, and tachypnea. The second form, which is non-effusive, or dry, can lead to neurological disorders such as seizures and brain damage. The signs of non-effusive FIP are similar to effusive FIP with the exception of eye problems, a yellow color to the eyes or skin, and neurological signs such as difficulty walking and seizures. The clinical signs of non-effusive FIP may include pyrexia, weight loss, depression, anorexia, ocular lesions, icterus, and neurological signs such as ataxia and seizures (Vet Centric 3). FIP is a frustrating disease to veterinarians and animal owners. It is not yet understood why certain cats with the corona virus develop FIP while others do not. There is no cure or a completely effective vaccine for this fatal illness. There is not even a diagnostic procedure, short of an autopsy, that will determine the presence of FIP; resulting in diagnosis which is ba sed on suspicion and clinical signs. The FIP virus can be transmitted during grooming, through the ingestion of infected feces, from sneezing, and from close contact with items such as litter boxes and food bowls used by cats with the disease. The virus can survive in the environment in dry conditions for long periods of time. Less commonly, a mother cat can pass on the disease to her unborn kittens through nursing. The way newborn kittens from infected mothers are handled from birth determines whether they will become infected with the corona virus. One to two weeks before delivery, the birthing area should be kept free of cats and should be disinfected with a bleach solution made by adding one part bleach to 31 parts water. If the mother cat tests positive for the corona virus, the newborns should be removed from her at five to six weeks of age to prevent infection; before this time period, they will be protected from the disease by the mothers antibodies (Vet Centric 3). To dete rmine if a cat has FIP is never 100% accurate, but the correct way to eliminate other thoughts of diseases is by taking a thorough history, performing a complete physical examination of the cat and taking blood tests that detect abnormalities in body organs, such as the kidney or liver. For cats that have symptoms of effusive FIP, a diagnostic procedure requires taking a sample of the fluid that is building up within the cats abdomen and testing this for analysis of the cell types and protein content present within the fluid. For cats that show signs of the dry form of the disease, an organ biopsy of the kidneys and lymph nodes can be taken and sent to a pathologist to look for the microscopic changes that occur in cats with FIP. This procedure is not always recommended because it creates stress that can worsen a sick cats condition. At this time, there are no specific diagnostic tests except for an autopsy that can determine whether a cat has FIP. The blood tests that are available simply determine if the cat has been exposed to the corona virus. Exposure to the corona virus, however, does not mean necessarily that the animal has FIP; typically, the corona virus leads to other minor disorders, such as intestinal problems like diarrhea and vomiting. Its hard to differentiate these two diseases because they are so identical in signs and symptoms. Cheever EssayThere treatments for each kind of worm that infests an animals body. For roundworm, Cina 3X, which is a wormseed, can be given one tablet at a time three times a day for at least three weeks. To help pass out the worms, a half to two teaspoons (depending on the animals size) of wheat or oat bran can be added to their daily meals. In treating tapeworms, a variety of worm discouragers can be added to the animals food such as pumpkin seeds (1/4 to 1 tsp), wheat-germ oil (1/4 to 1 tsp), and vegetable enzymes (1/4 to 1 tsp) such as figs and papaya. Also, Filix mas 3X, an herbal remedy, can be given one tablet at a time three times a day. Work CitedCarlson, Delbert and Giffen, Jamies. Cat owners home veterinary Handbook. New york,NY: Howell Book House Inc., 1986 daly, carol. caring for your sick cat. Fairgrieve, Midi. the natural way for cats and dogsMccoy, J. J The world of the veterinarian.

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